Fun Cycling Uganda flagged off on 360km ride to Kasese for Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon

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Fun Cycling Uganda flagged off on 360km ride to Kasese for Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon

  • Posted by: Pivot Media

At the crack of dawn today, Fun Cycling Uganda (FCU), a prominent Kampala-based cycling group, set off on an ambitious 360-kilometre ride to Kasese. The group is set to test their physical limits eve further as they will take part in Saturday’s Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon.

The cyclists, known for their commitment to promoting cycling as a means of enhancing physical fitness, environmental consciousness, and tourism, began their journey at 6am from Independence Monument at the centre of Kampala.

The route is divided into three stages: the first leg covers 181 kilometres from Kampala to Kyegegwa, the second leg spans 103 kilometres from Kyegegwa to Fort Portal, and the final 75-kilometre stretch will take them from Fort Portal to Kasese.

Eddie Okila, the Club Secretary of Fun Cycling Uganda, emphasised the significance of the ride, stating, “By challenging ourselves to this 360 km journey, we aim to demonstrate the benefits of cycling as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation. The ride also serves to raise awareness about the beauty and tourism potential of Uganda’s landscapes, which aligns with the marathon’s goals.”

Fun Cycling Uganda’s ride to Kasese aligns closely with the broader goals of the Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon, which promotes healthy lifestyles, boosts tourism, and supports local communities.

He further highlighted the synergy between Fun Cycling Uganda’s mission and that of the Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon, adding, “It is because of the Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon that this is happening in the first place. Our ride to Kasese is a symbolic act that ties into the marathon’s broader mission. Both our cycling event and the marathon aim to foster a healthier lifestyle, boost tourism, and support local communities, making them complementary initiatives that reinforce each other’s goals.”

In a show of solidarity, a group of Kenyan cyclists who share the same passion for cycling will join Fun Cycling Uganda on their journey to Kasese starting from Fort Portal.

Their journey will span a period of three days. The cyclists plan to reach Kasese by Thursday, giving them a full day of rest on Friday before participating in the Tusker Lite Mt. Rwenzori Marathon on Saturday morning.

Author: Pivot Media